October 21, 2011
Kiss me, Hardy
In 1801, when ordered to disengage the Danish fleet at the Battle of Copenhagen, Vice-Admiral Horatio Nelson famously put his telescope to his blind eye and uttered the apocryphal remark that he could “see no ships” before him. In all likelihood… Read more
June 2, 2011
Changing trends
We constantly talk about the lack of supply and this year it is worse than ever, not helped by the late Easter and three weeks in a row with bank holidays. Add to that the general uncertainty of the economy and job security and it is not surprising … Read more
November 25, 2010
The London Roller Coaster
It’s tough to remember a financial rollercoaster ride more violent than the one that the poor old London property market has been on over the last forty-eight months. We have seen the net effects of the last ten-year boom bust and recovery of 1985… Read more
March 2, 2010
The best and the rest
The question that has all house-buyers chewing their fingernails is whether ‘now’ is the right time to buy? Are prices just about to soar, or will things get cheaper if they wait? At the beginning of last year there was doom and gloom and it loo… Read more
October 20, 2009
Central London Property Market Review
In spring 2008, I commented that it felt as though we were being visited by the old Chinese curse “may you live in interesting times” and, whilst it was then pretty clear in the aftermath of the nationalisation of Northern Rock that ‘some-thin… Read more
March 10, 2008
Interesting times…
Legend has it that there is a notorious ancient Chinese curse that says “may you live in interesting times” which, as curses go, sounds like a mild form of punishment but becomes more worrying, the longer one thinks about it. A little like the w… Read more
June 14, 2007
The Prime Country House Market
Over the thirty years I have been involved in the market, there has always been a question at the end of each year as to what house prices will do the following spring when the market emerges from its winter hibernation. Read more
December 14, 2006
An astonishing year for prime London property
When I sat down with clients at the beginning of the year, I was asked what I expected to happen to prices. My intuition was that prices would rise rather than fall. At the time it seemed likely that this rise could be in the order of 10-15%, driven… Read more
Bear in mind the WOW factor
When people talk about the UK property market they could be referring to anything from a bungalow in the Orkneys to an office block in the City of London. When we talk about it we mean country houses, estates and London homes worth in excess of 2m. … Read more